

LITFEST homochrom

Bunt wie Köln: Impressionen #ColognePride 2013

Prima politisch bei phenomenellem Wetter

Tatjana Kästel aka Rebecca von Lahnstein aus Verbotene Liebe

Die Parade zum CSD in Köln ist der Höhepunkt des ColognePride. Dieses Jahr fand sie am 7. Juli statt mit 900.000 Besuchenden und ca. 30.000 Teilnehmenden, traditionell eröffnet durch die Dykes on Bykes. Von Anfang bis zum Ende war in diesem Jahr zu spüren wie sehr die angekündigte und durch breiten Protest verhinderte Teilnahme einer rechtsextremistischen Partei die Kölner Szene wachgerüttelt hatte. „Köln ist bunt. Und Braun keine Farbe des Regenbogens“, so die klare Botschaft, die sich durch eine der politischsten Paraden der letzten Jahre zog.

Erstmals waren auch phenomenelle und die Sistas Inspiration mit einem Video-Team vor Ort, das Impressionen von der Parade und der Hauptbühne mitgenommen hat. Am Rande der Feierlichkeiten standen uns einige Gäste für ein kurzes Interview Rede und Antwort: Eingerahmt von Tatjana Kästel, besser bekannt als die Rebecca-Hälfte des lesbischen Paares Marbecca aus der Soap Verbotene Liebe, zu Beginn und am Ende zeigten sich Kölns Bürgermeister der Herzen Elfi Scho-Antwerpes, die offene lesbische Power-Stimme Franca Morgano, Grünen-Bundesvorsitzende und CSD-Dauergast Claudia Roth sowie ColognePride-Frischling SPD-Generalsekretärin Andrea Nahles durchweg begeistert von der Stimmung auf einem der größten CSDs Europas.

Link zum Video:

Alternativer Link: Impressionen@ColognePride 2013

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We do have to ask a really big favour from all of you: Copying the video to YouTube or any other video channel is not allowed. Please be patient. Within the next 24 hours we will publish the video on the phenomenelle YouTube-Channel Thank you and we do hope for your solidarity.

Translation for our englisch speaking friends

The Christopher Street Day Parade (in Germany the event is named CSD) is ColognePride’s highlight. This year it took place on the 7th of July with 900.000 visitors and 30.000 participants, traditionally opened by the dykes on bykes. From the beginning til the end one occurance this year in the forefront overshadowed the event. A right-wing extremist party registered as participant but their attendance could be prevented through a major protest which shook up the community. In the end the parade was one of the most political ones of the last years. The clear message overall: „Cologne is a colourful city. And the rainbow doesn’t complain the colour brown.“

For the first time phenomenelle and Sistas Inspiration filmed during parade and from the main stage. Some special guests showed their support and seemed to be enthusiastic about one of Europe’s biggest pride events. Enframed by Tatjana Kästel aka Rebecca, one half of Germanys most beloved lesbian couple Marbecca from the Soap Verbotene Liebe, you’ll see Elfi Scho-Antwerpes, Cologne’s Vice-Major who owns the heart of the citys lesbian and gay community, open lesbian singer Franca Morgano, Claudia Roth, Party leader of The Greens and permanent guest of CSD in Cologne, and Andrea Nahles, Secretary-General of the Social Democratic Party.

Statements in order of appearance

Tatjana Kästel: Hello, I am Tatjana. We are here at Christopher Street Day and it’s totally wonderful. Great atmosphere. I’m very excited. I’m present here for the first time and I’ve already seen some funny and extraordinary costumes. I’m very curious how it is going to be.

Elfi Scho-Antwerpes: We are the city of diversity. We are tolerant and stand for acceptance. There is no place for the right-wing extremists in this town.

Franca Morgano: It’s really great here because CSD Cologne is outstanding. The other ones in Germany are great too and each one has it’s own character but Cologne every time is something special.

Claudia Roth: In Cologne your heart opens up. You’ll get a great deal of power for all the fights for equal rights. Cologne is simply part of the season. I greet all the lesbians and I say unto you, equal rights are equal rights. They are not a bit of equal rights, a bit of human dignity. They are equal rights.

Andra Nahles: I like CSD in Cologne very much. I’m here for the first time. Sure it’s gigantic. It’s wonderful wheather. And well placed around Cologne Cathedral. I liked it very much.

Tatjana Kästel: I send my regards to all the fans out there all around the world who are watching us, all Marbecca fans. And I’m happy about their ongoing company, that they are still with us and that they write about us all over the Internet. This is really great. I’ll try it in English …

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